Thursday 18 July 2024

Delightful Daisies

 Hello Everyone!

How are you ?  I do hope you are well and if in the UK I do hope you have not grown webbed feet! Whatever happened to summer this year?

Seemingly time has gone the same way this year (run away) , in fact it seems to just go faster and faster every year.....or is it that I have so much to catch up on?  

The card above is not done on my new foiling machine I am disappointed to admit, but is from some prefoiled ones from Stamps by Me. Several designs so plenty to go at. Foiling seems to have dropped out of fashion and I have yet to have a good play with my got in the way of course. 

I coloured this one with watercolour pens (Phill Martin)....... tried a bit of blending but definitely need practice at that!  An old craftwork cards sentiment from stash and mounted up and job done!

The card that this is foiled on to is a thick watercolour card so takes water well. It is creamy in colour so I may get some of my mountain of cream card used up! don't be silly , it won't match of

Right time to catch up on some chores, life is full of appointments this month and the cleaning and gardening fairies sem to be having a very long holiday

Take care and thank you so much for stopping by, your lovely comments always make my day, I love to read them.

Till next time

Love and crafty hugs

Carole xx 

P.S. Actually made it to Doncaster on Sunday to the Creative Craft show. I didn't need anything of course, I mean I can't move in my craft room....but it would have been pointless to go all that way and not buy something wouldn't it? I succumbed. Nice to be able to see and touch again which the internet deprives us of.

Friday 14 June 2024

The Hunter!

 Hello there friends! 

Sorry for the long break but as you know I've had surgery on my shoulder which is well on the mend , but a long re-hab of physio now in play. It is surprising how much time it takes out of your day doing exercises. How does anyone find time to go to the gym I ask myself?

Crafting has been well on the back burner and still is to a point but I did manage to make a card for my eldest sons birthday last month.......

Sorry the photo is a bit dark.

The owl is a 'Crafty Individual stamp' and the rest of the stamps used are a mix from stash...some Lavinia.

The background is a Scene Scape I have had for ages and it saved me doing an inky background. I coloured the owl and tree stump with copics. My only regret is that I did not add the moon that is included with the owl stamp, or even make one of my own, but for a first attempt post op I felt it was OK.

I didn't add a sentiment on the outside as I thought I might spoil it, but there is one inside of course.

My inspiration came from watching U tube videos of Jo Rice (head design team member for Lavinia) in order to get my crafty fix..............I could watch her forever, such a talented and lovely person.  

I hope you are all well and for those of you in the UK, I am sure like me you waiting for 'summer' !! Do you think we will get any.?

Right I have an appt with a new vacuum now...well it beats a medical appt..and there are plenty of those!

Thank you so much if you have popped by to see if I am around...hopefully I have appeared in your feed if you are a follower. Lovely to see you....... Please let me know you have called in.

Love and crafty hugs

Carole xx

Thursday 8 February 2024

Magnolia Anniversary

 Hello are you doing? I hope you are well and I am so pleased you have popped by.

Still using last years creations that never got blogged!

Today is Anniversary Day...not an actual anniversary but a day to show you a couple of cards.

First up......

Memory Box Magnolia

Not clear to see on the photo is that this was on pearlescent card with some scoring down behind the magnolia which was created from the die. Coloured with oxides and a dauber.

and secondly......

Again using Memory Box and the flower cut in pearlescent card and created from the embossing folder with the corresponding die. The background die and the heart also Memory Box.

Well it is snowing here in West Yorkshire today, but thankfully not settling....yet! The flakes are getting bigger but the ground is very wet. Yesterday was a sunny spring day!

Not sure if I will get by again before 'life' renders crafting off the 'to do' list for a few weeks due to my shoulder op on Monday..eek......lots to do before then!.....things I know won't get done for a while again!

Thank you all for stopping by, your good wishes and comments are so very much appreciated and I do hope when I get back to the creating and blogging you will still be around and pop by again.

Funny how mojo returns when you know you cannot use it!

Take care everyone......wherever you are, and enjoy whatever you are doing.

Crafty hugs

Carole xx

Saturday 3 February 2024

Silhouette - Birthday

 Hi Folks

Whizzing in...just like the month of February has done..or perhaps I should say sneaking in?...either way this year promises so far to go even faster than the last one!..along with my life!!...and yours! (sorry if you didn't want to think that).

I thought I would share the birthday card I made for my DIL  and never blogged. She is mad keen on horses..hence the image, and teaches riding. She loved this not so sure about this one....see what you think.

It was the first card I have made her that I have been able to put DIL on!

Have a good weekend everyone! and 'Thank You' for your lovely comments on my last post and for stopping by to read this one. Blogging friends are the best!

Crafty hugs till next time

Carole xx

Wednesday 24 January 2024

Late as usual!


Well January is whizzing past as no doubt the rest of the year will do so I thought I had better wish all my lovely blogging friends the above before it got too Happy 2024 everyone!

I hope this finds you all safe,well, warm and that you had a good festive season...seems ages ago now doesn't it!

Apologies for my lack of blogging yet happens and shoulder surgery due a couple of weeks ago was cancelled and is now next month. 

As I haven't much new to blog I have delved into the folder with some cards I did last year that never made it here.

I had cause for a couple of 90th Birthday cards last year (wonder if I will make another two decades?)

Here they are just different colours. I think I like the lemon one best, which is your favourite?

I think the embossing is a Lisa Horton folder that comes with the die to cut it out and I coloured with oxides, very gently applying with a sponge finger dauber. and then placed in the aperture cut with a  circle die

The sentiment and numbers are old from my ever growing, never decreasing stash.

Sorry the photos are not the best for showing detail. The lemon one is bazzill card..remember that? and the pink one the same but already bobbled in effect.

So there we have my first post of 2024 and if you have not given up on me, and kindly stopped by to peek, then please let me know. It's good to have friends and know that I am not talking to myself ( I seem to spend a bit of time doing that anyway!)

Thank you for popping in...see you again soon I hope with some more 'left overs'.

Crafty hugs

Carole xx