Saturday 3 February 2024

Silhouette - Birthday

 Hi Folks

Whizzing in...just like the month of February has done..or perhaps I should say sneaking in?...either way this year promises so far to go even faster than the last one!..along with my life!!...and yours! (sorry if you didn't want to think that).

I thought I would share the birthday card I made for my DIL  and never blogged. She is mad keen on horses..hence the image, and teaches riding. She loved this not so sure about this one....see what you think.

It was the first card I have made her that I have been able to put DIL on!

Have a good weekend everyone! and 'Thank You' for your lovely comments on my last post and for stopping by to read this one. Blogging friends are the best!

Crafty hugs till next time

Carole xx


  1. I agree with your DIL, Carole, and can't see how you find fault with this brilliant composition! Everything is flawless! We've turned over into February now, so I hope you hear soon when your new surgery date is - and that the date itself is soon. I hate that you are still waiting. Hugs, Darnell

  2. Hi Carole
    A fabulous card for your daughter-in-law.
    Always nice when you can theme your creations to a recipient's passion!
    Hope all is good with you.
    Love Jules xx

  3. I think it’s a wonderful card. Love the composition and it’s perfect for your DiL xxx
