I am a very disappointed bunny this weekend...let me explain........I entered August's challenge over at Bearly Mine and my number was the one drawn on the random thingy...how lucky was that ...over 300 entries, so what were my chances eh...still I got lucky...OR NOT!.... because of holidays and the broken computer, yesterday was the first chance to check their site and find I was a winner......BUT apparently I am too late to have my winnings ......(.some of the prize was some of their digital paper kits)....so despite their being no mention of a time limit in their rules and explaining my problems...no prize. I wouldn't have minded as much if they had time limited it in the rules and re-drawn it so that someone else could benefit. So that's why I am disappointed this weekend...and more for the fact that my faith in the lovely caring crafting community that is out there... is obviously not applicable to everyone.
Anyway on to brighter things.....Christmas! Well it is looming up far too fast for me to execute those ideas floating around in my head...and to use all that stuff that gets added to year upon year. How about you are you organised? I say I will start early every year but then I cannot get Christmas into my head till about now!!
I added to my die collection...couldn't resist...with Dazzling Snowflake (Memory Box) the other week. It is quite a large negative die so obviously needs something behind it to show it off.
It didn't look quite right without the pink edge to it...which wasn't in my first plan...but hey the best laid plans eh!
So that's it....speaks for itself, so no sentiment needed...I think it needs to be on a bigger card base now I look at it...will see.
Well I hope you are having a good weekend and continue to enjoy what is left of it...they go so quickly but then so do the weeks.
Take care, keep well.
Carole xx